Dream Journal Reflection Technique (DJRT)

The Dream Journal Reflection Technique (DJRT) is an effective lucid dreaming system for beginners.
Created by Daniel Love, the technique is designed as means to introduce those new to the subject to some of the core practices of lucid dream training.
DJRT harnesses the power of self-reflection, analysis, imagination, and mental training to greatly increase your chances of experiencing lucid dreams.
By analyzing and imagining your dreams throughout the day and night, you train your mind to recognize and expect the tell-tale signs of dreaming, paving the way for increased lucidity.
Prefer to watch?
Check out the video tutorial here:
The Technique
Set up a dream journal:
Keep a notebook or a voice recorder next to your bed. Make sure it's easily accessible so you can write down your dreams as soon as you wake up.
Record your dreams:
Immediately upon waking up each morning (and throughout the night if needed) record or write down as many details as you can remember from your dreams. Be thorough, noting the setting, characters, emotions, mindset, and any unusual occurrences.
Reflect on your dreams:
Throughout the day, think about your most recent and clearly remembered dream. Go over the dream in your mind and assess the various ways in which you should have realized you were dreaming, such as inconsistencies, strong emotions, lack of logic, autopilot mindset, odd events, or fantastical elements.
Stay vigilant & Reality Test:
Throughout the day, be aware of the ways in which you missed the opportunity to realise you were dreaming, consider them targets, and be alert for anything similar that occurs during your day. When this happens, ask yourself "Could this be a dream?", and perform a reality test.
Prepare for sleep:
As you get ready for bed, take some time to review your dream journal. Pay close attention to the patterns and recurring themes in your dreams. Remind yourself of how easy it is to miss them. Be aware of those things that are particularly distracting to you personally. Tell yourself you must remain vigillant and on the look out for these.
Nighttime visualization:
Just before you fall asleep, imagine the most recent dream you recorded, and all the ways you should have realized you were dreaming. This mental rehearsal will help train your brain to recognize when you're in a dream and activate the logical and observational areas of the mind. Tell yourself you will remain vigillant for similar events.
Adapt to new dreams:
If you wake up during the night with a new dream, immediately record it in your journal. Then, as you return to sleep, visualize this new dream and all the ways you should have realized you were dreaming. Once again, tell yourself you will remain vigillant for similar events.
Be persistent:
Repeat this process every day, and over time, you will notice an increase in your ability to recognize when you are dreaming. This process takes time and ongoing effort. But as with building any new skill, developing the "muscles of the mind" will require regular and consistent practice.
Daniel Love
Skill Level:
Lucid Dream Type:
Regained awareness (DILD)
(anecdotal & community reported)
Very High
Sense preference suited:
Hints & Tips:
Consistency and persistence are key.
Always write something in your dream journal, even if you cannot recall your dreams. You may choose to write the dream you wanted to have. But certainly record any details of your night's sleep.
Always use the most recently remembered vivid dream. So, if you cannot recall a dream from this morning, simply use the most recently recalled.