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Writer's pictureThe Lucid Guide

YouTube: New Beginnings (An Open Letter)

I've been thinking lately—what would my YouTube channel look like if I started it today, rather than 8 years ago?

Would I have made the same choices? Would it have grown into something different?

The more I think about it, the clearer it becomes that it's time for a change. A deeper, more intentional direction.

For a while now, I've felt a pull to unify everything I do—my work, my thoughts, my brand—into one cohesive space. Over the years, my content has often been split across different platforms, and in some ways, catering to what's popular on YouTube has diluted the real purpose of what I'm trying to offer. But no more.

I'm tired of the algorithm's games, the constant push for clickbait, shorts, and surface-level content designed for quick views. There's already plenty of dumbed-down, unprofessional content for those who want to be tourists in the world of lucid dreaming. If you're here for that, there are countless channels catering to it. And I'm happy to let them play their numbers game. That's not what this channel is about, and frankly, it never was. But it's impossible not to be nudged in certain directions due to the algorithm.

Let me be clear: I'm not even slightly in competition with these hype channels, in the same way a professional chef isn't in competition with a fast food burger van. We're operating in completely different realms. They're serving up quick, low quality unhealthy content for the undiscerning masses. I'm here to create a quality experience for those who truly appreciate the craft and complexity of lucid dreaming and consciousness exploration.

It's easy to have a million followers if you're happy to dumb things down to the lowest common denominator. But frankly, isn't that an entirely pointless ego trip? Depth takes discernment. It's not for everyone, and that's precisely what makes it special. I'm not interested in catering to the masses at the expense of substance. This channel is for those who understand and appreciate the value of deep, meaningful exploration - and who actually care that the person teaching them actually knows (and is qualified) to teach them.

This space is going to become something more meaningful, more intelligent, and more human. My focus is on those of you who are serious—those who are committed to exploring lucid dreaming and the mind on a deeper level. I'm here for the intelligent dreamers, the real mind explorers who aren't afraid to sit with the discomfort of boredom, to challenge their beliefs, and to push the limits of consciousness. That's who this channel is for.

And that's why I'm making a big shift: I'll be using my own name from now on. I've worked for decades in this field. I'm not some faceless beginner hiding behind an avatar, taking stabs in the dark. I'm a lucid dream expert and a professional, and it's time the channel reflects that. My work and experience come from years of dedication, and I want the channel to reflect that professionalism and authenticity. Lucid dreaming isn't a numbers game—it's an experience game, and I'll be ignoring the trends and absolutely not commenting on whatever new (and fleeting) beginner channel is the latest fad, however big they are, to focus on real content that matters. After all, we all know they'll be gone soon enough when they run out of ideas.

Moving forward, I'll be ignoring the 'tourist' comments, too. My energy will be directed toward members, toward those of you who engage in respectful dialogue and who are genuinely here to grow and learn. This space is for a serious community, and my focus will be entirely on creating content for those who respect the work and want to engage deeply.

As for the content itself, expect longer videos without distracting editing. We'll be focusing on the wider, deeper journey of lucidity and mind exploration. This isn't about quick tips or trending techniques. It's about embarking on a comprehensive exploration of consciousness, delving into the profound questions and experiences that serious practice brings.

You'll also notice some changes to the channel's appearance. I'm redesigning the look to better reflect this new, more professional direction. Additionally, I'll be making some of the older content available as an archive for members only. This isn't about hiding information, but about curating a space that aligns with our new focus and ensures that newcomers start with our most current and comprehensive content.

So, if you're here for more than just entertainment—if you're here to explore the deeper, richer aspects of lucid dreaming and mind exploration, you're in the right place. This shift is for you, and I'm excited to move forward together on this new path.

Let's leave the shallow distractions to everyone else. We're aiming for something much higher.

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