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The Dark Side of Manifestation and Law of Attraction

Writer's picture: The Lucid GuideThe Lucid Guide

In the self-help industry, and increasingly in the world of lucid dreaming, there are two ideas are enjoying a huge rise in popularity: the Law of Attraction and the concept of Manifestation.

Woman using law of attraction

What is the Law of Attraction? According to the Law of Attraction, like attracts like - in other words, if you think positively and visualize success, it will inevitably come to you.

What is Manifestation?

Manifestation, involves focusing your thoughts and feelings on a desired outcome until it 'materializes' in your life.

At first glance, these principles might seem appealing, if not somewhat childish and simplistic. They offer a comforting promise of control over one's destiny and the tantalizing prospect of fulfilling our desires merely by thinking about them.

The truth about the law of attraction

But, upon closer examination, these concepts reveal themselves to be not only illusory and materialistic but also potentially harmful, placing a burden of guilt on those who suffer.

They perpetuate a "blame the victim" mentality and mostly appeal to a specific, privileged segment of society, while ignoring the harsh realities faced by countless individuals worldwide.

Blaming the Victim

A glaring flaw of the Law of Attraction and Manifestation lies in their logical conclusion: if your thoughts dictate your reality, then any misfortune you experience is a result of your own negative thinking. This victim-blaming narrative is not only cruel and insensitive but also divorced from reality.

Escape poverty

Consider the people living in famine-stricken countries or areas suffering from extreme poverty.

These individuals, more than anyone else, have a desperate desire to change their circumstances. They yearn for the basic necessities of life – food, clean water, shelter, safety – let alone the luxuries that the privileged take for granted. Yet, despite their intense desire and desperate need for change, their circumstances remain unchanged.

Are we really supposed to believe that this is due to a lack of positive thinking or an inability to manifest correctly?

The thought is absurd and deeply disrespectful, trivializing their struggle and their pain. It implies that those who suffer do so because they have somehow failed to think positively or manifest effectively. This disturbing conclusion exposes the deeply flawed premise at the heart of these concepts.

A Convenient Illusion for the Privileged

Manifestation and the Law of Attraction tend to appeal most to those in the developed world, particularly well-fed, middle-class Westerners. These individuals are in a position to desire and seek after abstract and luxurious ambitions such as a fulfilling relationship or a better job. Their relative comfort allows them to dream and focus on these more esoteric goals.

Manifest a better life

It's no coincidence that these concepts find less resonance among those who live in dire conditions, where survival is the primary concern. For someone facing the daily threat of hunger, disease, or violence, the notion of manifesting a promotion or a new car is far removed from their lived reality.

A Collision with Rational Thought and Science

The Law of Attraction and the concept of Manifestation stand in direct contradiction to science and rational thought. Science is founded on empirical evidence and tested theories, which offer predictions that can be validated or invalidated based on observations. The Law of Attraction and Manifestation, however, are built on vague, untestable assertions that defy scientific validation.

One of the core ideas behind these principles is that our thoughts can directly influence physical reality. This idea, however appealing it may seem, lacks any grounding in established scientific understanding. Despite the vast strides made in neuroscience and psychology, there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that simply focusing on a desired outcome can bring it into existence. The world simply doesn't operate according to our individual desires and whims.

Science of Manifestation

Unpleasantly, these concepts and their proponents often misrepresent and oversimplify the principles of quantum physics. Some proponents claim that the observer effect - a phenomenon in quantum mechanics where the act of observing changes the observed - supports their views.

However, they conveniently ignore that the observer effect operates on the subatomic level and cannot be extrapolated to macroscopic everyday events.

Scientifically, there's no basis for asserting that human consciousness can alter physical reality in the way suggested by these theories.

Law of Attraction Science

These principles also conflict with basic principles of rational thought. Manifestation and the Law of Attraction involve a logical fallacy known as "affirming the consequent".

For example, if one believes that thinking positively (P) will lead to a positive outcome (Q), and a positive outcome occurs (Q), they might conclude that it was indeed their positive thinking (P) that caused it.

This is deeply faulty logic. There may be multiple reasons (R, S, T...) why the positive outcome occurred, and there's no concrete way to establish a direct causal relationship between the thought and the outcome.

Despite their popularity, these ideas are unsupported by empirical evidence and rely on faulty reasoning.

A Cloak of False Spirituality

One of the most disconcerting aspects of these ideas is the way they are often wrapped in the cloak of spirituality, obscuring their inherently materialistic nature.

They promise spiritual growth, self-discovery, and the fulfilment of one's destiny, all the while focusing on material or superficial gains.

They replace the profound, nuanced path to self-realization and enlightenment, as described in many spiritual traditions, with a simple formula: think, visualize, receive.

It's essentially little more than fancy terminology for an adult version of wishing.

Manifest money

In truth, spirituality has always been about personal growth and the journey within, about compassion, understanding, and love.

It is about finding a deeper connection with oneself and the universe, not about amassing wealth or achieving superficial success.

In this light, the Law of Attraction and Manifestation seem to have co-opted the language of spirituality to promote a distinctly materialistic worldview.

The Law of Attraction and Manifestation, though seemingly appealing, are at their core, harmful, unpleasant, and misleading

Final Thoughts - You Are What You Think

As we navigate through the deceptive narratives of the Law of Attraction and Manifestation, it's vital not to conflate these concepts with the undeniably beneficial practice of maintaining a positive or optimistic outlook.

Indeed, countless studies support the notion that optimism and a positive attitude are psychologically beneficial, even in the most dire circumstances. This perspective can enhance resilience, boost our mental health, and motivate us to strive for better.

optimism and positive thinking

However, this is a well-established psychological principle rooted in the way our brains process information and handle adversity. It's a far cry from the paranormal or supernatural abilities attributed to the Law of Attraction and Manifestation.

The power of thought, while potent, is not magical in nature. Thoughts can't alter objective reality on a whim, but they can indeed influence our relationship with our circumstances, guide our behaviours, and, over time, shape our lives in meaningful ways.

Consider this: our thoughts can alter our perspective, change our actions, and encourage us to approach life in ways that can potentially open doors and create opportunities. However, this is not the same as manifesting a reality out of thin air or attracting a specific outcome merely by wishing for it.

To illustrate this with an extreme example:

No amount of positive thinking or manifestation will allow a person to sprout wings and fly. However, a positive mindset might spur a person to pursue a career in aviation or take up skydiving, thus fulfilling their desire to fly in a practical, real-world manner.

manifesting a dream

Life is a fine balance between attitude and objective reality.

Recognizing this balance is crucial. We should not neglect the importance of a positive mindset, but we must simultaneously respect the constraints of the real world.

Understanding this crucial distinction allows us to navigate life more effectively and empathetically. We can aspire, strive, and dream without falling into the pitfalls of misleading spiritual materialism, like the Law of Attraction and Manifestation.

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