I have been trying the WIlD technique for over two weeks now and I have identified what in the process is going wrong. Firstly I am not going into a full state of sleep paralysis most likely because I can't trick my body into believing I'm asleep. I also find it hard to create the dream scene in your mind while waiting to transfer into a dream. If anyone has any tips on inducing sleep paralysis or transferring from sleep paralysis into a lucid dream your tips would be much appreciated.
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I do not have much experience with WILDs though from what I know I can give you a few pointers. 1. WILD is not a technique, only a doorway to lucid dreaming. There are many techniques for WILDs but a good place to start is the dreamwalker technique documented on this site.
2. Sleep paralysis is not necessary for WILDs and is quite difficult to induce on purpose.
3. You can not trick your body into thinking you are asleep. You do not have to be perfectly still. If you are uncomfortable it is better you solve the problem than try to stay still.
4. A WILD will never work if it is not preformed right before REM so you should experiment with wake up times for WBTB and the love method to find what works.