I have been using a dream journal and I already have some dream signs. The problem is that I completely ignore the dream signs in my dreams. Even the ones with highest occurrence. For example, today I had this dream: I was going outside in socks (top priority dream sign), then I stepped on an excrement, I wanted to get rid of it by pushing the foot on the ground as if I was pressing a button with the foot (this could tell me something is wrong too), then I was in an bus - naked (another top priority dream sign), when the bus stopped, I saw a half-naked person (another dream sign), beside me, there was an acquaintance of mine and when she saw the naked women, she put her hand on my penis. So I had a lot of well-known dream signs in a row and yet I was not able to recognize it was just a dream. How can I train my mind to recognize the dream signs in my dreams? Any ideas?
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I've recently read about the experiences of a German lucid dreamer who, whenever he spots a dream sign in real life, really hypes himself up by gasping and saying "Oh my God – it's a dream!!!". Then he tries to evoke the magical feeling that you get when you become lucid in an actual dream and imagines what he is going to do next within the dream. I'm trying to do that, but it's tricky for me, as my dream signs are mostly very low resolution. They are not objects or people, but feelings and stuff like “unexpected conflict” or “failure to fulfill expectations”. It's not very practical to gasp and exclaim, "Oh my God – it's a dream!!!", when I get into an unexpected argument with somebody... But for high resolution dream signs, this seems like a promising idea!
I wouldn’t be too worried, I think it’s more the act of trying to spot these things and using them as triggers to reality test in waking life that triggers your brain to question your ‘reality’ in dreams, not necessarily spotting specific signs in your dreams.
I have never gotten lucid from spotting an actual dream sign, just my brain thinking ‘hang on, this feels weird, am I dreaming?’ for a DILD.
keep at it, best of luck. I’m sure others can help too.