I am not sure bc I know LD only since 3 weeks but I have tried hard and even made 2 days ago some progress but when I really hard try to get a wild i more often then not have a headache. I don't know if that bc I all this intense long focusing is new for me or if this is a common symptom. I haven't found an answer to that yet so if someone sees this and has time pls write back.
Thank you
I've never experienced a headache when trying a WILD, but I wonder if it's maybe more the waking yourself up in the middle of the night than it's the trying for a WILD? I know I sometimes have a headache in the morning when I have to wake up considerably sooner than usual. But if you continue to have headaches, maybe talk to your GP.
First of all, have you watched this video? —> https://youtu.be/6pVclLPvZ8g
It explains a lot about WILDs. As far as the headache, I’m not sure, it may or may not have to do with your WILD practice. I, or anyone else here is not qualified to give medical advice, so it’s hard to say what to do about your headache. In general, your health must be a higher priority than lucid dreams. I haven’t personally experienced headaches during trying WILDs, but maybe others have.
As Daniel Love says, WILDs are hard to achieve, and a bit like walking a tightrope. Full concentration keeps you awake and not enough concentration makes you lose consciousness. 3 weeks is very early days for lucid dreaming, and it’s usually better to build practices for initiating DILDs first.
I know this isn’t a complete answer, but it’s the best I have at the moment.