Hey guys,
I'm new to the community and relatively speaking new to lucid dreaming. I've been practicing it for around half a year and have recently started making more progress, largely thanks to Dan.
So anyway, this past week, I've experienced what I believe to be an outer body experience. I was surely dreaming, but I was in my room. The first time, I woke up and walked around the house, although a lot of things were rather out of place. After a time. My vision was incredibly blury and overall it was difficult to make sense of a lot. I performed a hand 'reality check' which showed a distorted hand, much like when I lucid dream, After a time, I blacked out and found myself back in my bed in what I believe may have been sleep paralysis. The bed sheets appeared to have been pulled off from my bed and I was unable to move. It was kind of freaky, but I had experienced SP a few times throughout my life and I understand that it's nothing to fear. Anyway, I attempted to develop this into a lucid dream. I closed my eyes, focused on hypnogic patterns and focused on a dream I had the night before in the hope that I could return to it. Unfortunately, I didn't make it to that dream and instead saw incredibly vivid and random images, almost as though it were through a TV screen, focused into a sort of square. This went in for maybe a minute or so and then I actually woke up. I've maybe had a good 20 or so lucid dreams over my life, but this experience is rather new to me, especially the odd 'tunnel vision / square' of random imagery.
As I say, I'm still kind of new to this, but I'm wondering if any of you can make anything of this so that I can make some logic out of it? Please excuse the poor description, but I've put together my best recolection of what I believe was the experience I had.
P.s, thanks all very much for your kind welcome last Friday. I look forwards to engaging more with this community : )
Thanks in advance
So far as I know, I was having a normal dream, then sometime after, I either had a false awakening or some kind of OBE. I knew this because I got out of bed, walked into the kitchen (where everything was very unusual and different). I then went to confirm lucidity, although sort of in a state of half lucidity by performing a reality check with my hand. It wasn't quite so distorted as I'm used to seeing in a lucid dream, but it was still not normal. In any case, it's all rather confusing, but I suppose that's just a part of the journey of lucid dreaming? haha The hallucinations were so incredibly vivid, it looked precisely real, just I couldn't engage in it or interact with it in any way, alas. Again, sorry for my vague description, it's not something I can entirely conceptualise myself.
So, do I get this right: you initially had a dream and then discovered you were lucid by doing a reality test, then you had a kind of false awakening in your bed? The random images sound like hypnopompic hallucinations that can occur while you are waking up, but I don't know, I'm just guessing!