The past two nights I have successfully realised that I am dreaming whilst dreaming but have woken up straight after on both occasions. Any tips or thoughts on how to stay lucid?
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Okay thank you! plenty of help
Hi, and welcome to the forum (I can tell that you're not technically new, but this seems to be your first post)!
First of all, this is very normal, for both new and seasoned lucid dreamers. If you've been watching Lucid Dream Portal's streams in particular, you may have heard him say that sometimes, the REM period in question was about to end anyway, and so there isn't always a whole lot we can do in order to make a lucid dream last longer.
That said, there are a few techniques that he outlines that can be used, of course, both in his book Are You Dreaming? and in his videos, etc. I'll link a few sources for you below, in case you haven't watched / read them yet, and in case someone who's new and has the same question stumbles across your thread. I'll be listing the most relevant videos from oldest to newest.
Article: Dream Stabilization
Video: How to Lucid Dream for Longer - PROVEN Tips From a LD Professional (For Beginners)
Video: Longer Lucid Dreams in One Minute
Video: How To Lucid Dream LONGER for Beginners (The ULTIMATE Guide)
Video: Do THIS to have VIVID Lucid Dreams! [I know this one may not seem immediatley relevant to your question, but it does cover useful aspects on dream stabilisation.]