I had a really weirdly initiated DILD today from a false awakening. I was in a dream and my alarm woke me up, (well I thought it did but it was actually a false awakening) I did all of the normal WBTB stuff, such as dream journaling, meditating for a bit and even playing the guitar. After what felt like 10-15 minutes, but what probably less than 3, of WBTBing I "fell asleep" and almost instantly was sent to a dream near a pool where I got lucid. Extremely cool experience to have. Have any of you guys experienced this before?
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Cool experience! Was it being suddenly transported to the pool that made you realize it was a dream or something after you got to the pool? The most common way I've had this is doing a WILD or DEILD during a false awakening and either realizing I was already dreaming or falsely thinking I was awake but now succeeding at entering a dream via WILD or DEILD (DEILD is really a type of WILD, but I like the differentiation). In fact I'm convinced that many of the experiences I thought were true DEILDs were actually a DILD during a false awakening.