I recently got a fountain pen, and a really nice looking dream journal. And I wanted to give you guys a quick tour of what it currently looks like (I just started working on it a few hours ago as of writing this) and what I plan to do with it in the future.
(This is what the dream journal looks like)
(The pen closed along with it's case)
(What the nib looks like)
So those are the items I'll be using and what they look like. Now, time for the actual journal
This is page 1. It has all of my pegs along with a couple dream sign themes to fill in the empty space at the bottom. Also, sorry if it's difficult to read the text as I write in cursive so I'll add translations to make it more accessible.
1 - Elbow
2 - Kali Linux
3 - UWU
4 - Protractor
5 - Omega Symbol
6 - Otamatone
7 - Front of a ship
8 - Infinity
9 - Karambit Knife(from cs:go)
10 - Flag on the moon
My dream sign themes:
Unusual/Intense Emotional Reaction
Physical Oddities
(End of translation for page 1)
The next page consists of dream signs. There's nothing here yet, but I dedicated 2 pages as that should be enough to last me until the journal fills up.
And the last page (currently) is my dream goals (which is also empty for now). Whenever I add a dream goal, I will rank the difficulty of the goal, along with a step by step process on how to achieve it. For example, "Spawn in the Yamato." That would be either a medium, or hard dream goal, depending on my skill level at the current time. So then, I break it down into steps.
Goal: Spawn in the Yamato
Step 1: stabilise the dream
Step 2: try to find any associations to whatever I am trying to in the environment. (So in this case for the Yamato, I would look for a character called "Nero" and his glowy arm aka his "devil breaker". I politely rip his arm off. (You don't need to know who or what I'm talking about to understand)
OR If I can't find any associations immediately, I'll try to imagine the character either behind a corner, wall, door, or any place I either want the Yamato to spawn. Or, any associations with it.
Step 3: after I aquire Nero's devil breaker, I can simply turn it into the Yamato without any problems because my brain KNOWS and has seen that it's possible. (In the game)
Step 4: profit.
And...that's it. If you liked anything or want to share your journals, then go ahead as I would love to see how other people structure their dream journals.
Beautiful! I absolutely love posts kind this, it's great to get insights into how you're all recording your adventures in Dreamland. Great stuff, thanks for sharing.
I'll just clear up any potential confusion before I comment on your post: I've moved this to General Chat, as it's more vaguely related to lucid dreaming.
With that out of the way; I love this! Your handwriting is very neat (personally I had no difficulty reading it). It would be interesting to see how his progresses over time, if you feel like sharing!