Has anyone noticed a song playing in a dream before, but the song is a little bit off? For example, you know the title of the song and a good bit about it, but, the lyrics or melody is off? You still know it's the song, but, it's off?
I've had this happen in dreams before where I knew the song but, in hindsight, it wasn't truly it. For example, last night a song started playing in the dream and I knew it was the song because of its nature (pardon me, I don't know a whole lot about the technical terms of music, so, sorry if this is hard to follow), but, the lyrics were just random words thrown together. There's been other times as well where this has happened, as I've just had to go with my gut feeling that it was the proper song.
I've also noticed that there may be a difference (for me, at least) in how well the music may be copied in lucids and in non-lucids. The two examples above are from lucids (varying levels) but, I've had a dream where I knew, without a doubt, that the song playing was pretty close to the waking version.
I guess what I'm trying to ask is, what are theories for this and has anyone ran across this before? I personally think that music could become distorted as the brain becomes more aware of everything while in a lucid dream, therefore, it may overlook making the music sound perfect. Another theory is just that we are typically more aware in lucids and just notice more that the brain is slipping up, thus, the brain is doing the same thing in both dreams and we only notice it more when in a lucid.