Hey all! In this post I'd like to share how I have my LD DJ (lucid dream dream journal) set up. I listed by number each thing I'll write down before (sometimes during if I wake while in the middle of sleepy time) and once I wake.
For about 2 weeks or so, I was using a LD app to put my dreams in. To me those are okay, but as I learned more about Journaling, I wanted to get an actual DJ and have the ability to draw my dreams.
It just arrived in the post a few days ago and the blank pages are ready to be filled!
So how I'm setting mine up (and if anyone shares how they have theirs set up and there's some ideas I didn't think about, I'll use them in mine - and vice versa)
I've numbered the first page of my journal and won't stray from the set up.
1) time I go to sleep
2) how I'm feeling mentally /physically
3) if I wake during night, write any dream bits down.
3a) if I'm up a while, add steps one and two here.
4) upon waking in morning, write instantly all I recall, even if it's just "a guy was doing something. It was rainy". Every bit of recall helps over time.
5) draw/doodle as much art of dream if possible.
6) area to add more recall to #4 as during the day we can remember more of last night's dreams.
Ill keep it consistent in this current and all future dreams so I know exactly what number entry means what. Habits are good, after all.
If I'm missing any thing or if anyone wants to share their DJ set up (if they use one) please do so.
This is my awesome LD journal. Got it off etsy and it's hand made head to toe: hand tooled soft leather, (dream catcher on the front and a criss cross on the back), a cool designed lock, and the attention to detail DEFINITELY will help me have attention to my dream details.
Thanks Sarra! Your post inspired me to have a look at similar leather bound journals on Etsy and Amazon. I sent off for one yesterday (slightly different design). I have been writing my dreams up in "Lucidity", and Android app, but I thought I'd mix it up a bit to keep it interesting. One thing you seem to have missed was adding the date and day to each entry. I think that's quite important if you want to spot patterns in your dreams (frequency, interval, what day etc.)?