In the past two livestreams, the topic of awareness has been brought up. While the two livestreams talked about different parts of awareness, both covered that awareness is made up of tons of different inputs. Awareness varies between person to person, moment to moment.
On the livestream that happened on the 17th of December, the idea of different parts contributing to awareness was brought up. I found this interesting as I sort of do this already in day to day life.
To explain (the best I can), I sometimes try and "bluff" different aspects of myself. Everyone does this to an extent and this is present in work life verse social life. Typically, people act different in these two situations. I do this as well, but, also in dreams.
To preface, my main dream goal is to be one of my characters and go explore his world for a bit. In my experiences, when I have a lucid (that I'm basically "free" from a dream plot), I often become him quickly and then lose lucidity. The only outliers to this are the times where I am still myself (just temporarily shape-shifted) and where I have woken up in the middle of a lucid and reentered it.
So my question is - is this an issue in difference of awareness? I'm asking this because could it help to explore the parts of me that are more related to that character and try and become more aware whenever I'm in that headspace? Or is this all senseless twaddle that I've worked myself into?
If anyone is having trouble following this, feel free to say and I'll try and clarify as best as I can!
I'm not sure that I get what you mean! When you say you 'bluff' aspects of yourself, do you mean that you, for example, present yourself as more composed in work situations than you really feel, to invite confidence? Or more silly in social situations than you would feel comfortable being in a work context?
And do you feel it's the same in your dreams – different behavior codes if you are yourself than if you are your dream character?